germay bed
Comfort Bed
- Silver knitted fabric
- 200gr/m2 fiber
- 20gr/m2 wadding
- 24 cm height
- 2 cm 22 dns flexi foam
- Bonel spring system for who prefers medium softress.
Dubai Bed
- Saten woven fabric
- 200gr/m2 fiber
- 20gr/m2 wadding
- 27 cm height
- 1,5 cm 22 dns soft foam(2pieces)
- 1 cm 14 dns roll foam
- Soft felt
- 5 zone pocket spring tecnology makes the spine more straight and relaxed and enables a comfortable and sound sleep
- Supported with mini pocked spring.
Firuze Bed
- Jaguar ped midalle fabric
- Knitted fabric
- 250gr/m2 fiber
- 40gr/m2 wadding
- Ribbed
- 32 cm height
- 4 cm 22 dns flexi foam
- 1,5 cm 24 dns foam foam (2 pieces)
- Bonel spring system for who prefers medium softress.
Maxima Bed
- Knitted fabric
- 200gr/m2 fiber
- 20gr/m2 wadding
- Ribbed
- 25 cm height
- 1 cm 14 dns roll foam
- 2 cm 18 dns foam interfacing
- Bonel spring system for who prefers medium softress.
- Hard felt
Paradise Bed
- Knitted fabric
- 200gr/m2 fiber
- 40gr/m2 wadding
- Ribbed
- 28 cm height
- 3 cm 22 dns roll foam
- 1,5 cm18 dns roll foam
- Thanks to the technology of pocket spring enables a longer life usage and comfort.
- Fed with soft felts.
Perfect Sleep Bed
- Spotted fabric
- 200gr/m2 fiber
- 40gr/m2 wadding
- Ribbed
- 28 cm height
- 4 cm visco foam
- 4 cm latex
- Thanks to the technology of pocket spring enables a longer life usage and comfort.
- Fed with soft felts.
Royal King Bed
- Being one of the best precios products of Baza&Yatak which if focused on human happiness philosphy, Royal King bed is designed to balance the pressure on the bed. Suits for the body movements for all night long and supports the body in the most ideal way.
- Sateen woven fabric
- 39 cm height
- Thanks to the technology of pocket spring enables a longer life usage and comfort.
- 24 dns soft foam.